What is Malware?

Malware is a definition of a wide range of programs which gain access to and damage users’ machines, including PCs, desktops and portable devices. Usually, the malware takes a partial or full control over a device’s OS and serves different purposes set by its creators. The ultimate goal behind malware is to bring money to the hacker. But the ways to do that are different. Some malicious programs would silently steal users’ data, including, banking info and account’s credentials. Some programs such as ransomware would be more direct and ask for money right away. As technology progresses, more sophisticated types of malware appear. AV-TEST Institute registers more than 350,000 new malicious programs and potentially unwanted applications every day. And Symantec’s Internet Security Threat Report notes that there are 24,000 of malicious mobile apps that are being blocked daily. So, is there anything each of us can do to stay out of big trouble? The answer is Yes. In fact, the steps are so simple that it is surprising that not everybody makes them.

How to Recognize Malware Presence on Your Device?

Malware can live in your machine for quite long before you start noticing that something is not ok. But most of the time you don’t have to be a specialist to see that there is something wrong with your computer. Here are the signals that your OS is probably infected:
  • Your machine works slower or freezes. The reason is simple: malware reduces the speed of your OS no matter what you do – use the Internet or just work with your Excel files.
  • OS constantly crashes so you need to restart your computer more often.
  • You find out that the space on your disk significantly decreased, but you have not installed anything heavy.
  • The fan of your computer is working louder than usually, system resources are depleting, and the battery on your mobile device dies quickly. Those are signs showing that malware consumes your resources.
  • You get many annoying advertisements in the form of popups. Most of the time, it is a sign that your machine is hit by adware. Watch out and never click on any links the popup is offering no matter how attractive the offer is.
  • The homepage in your browser has suddenly changed. Or you click on usual links but open different pages. It means that you have downloaded malicious software, most likely, without even knowing that.
  • You notice odd toolbars, plugins or extensions in your browser.
  • Your mobile phone starts sending SMS and calling people from your contact list or turns on WiFi and Internet connections on its own.
  • Your antivirus software does not work properly, and it fails to get updates.
Also, some signs are so obvious that you won’t doubt that your machine was infected. Usually, ransomware would announce itself quickly. You will get a message with directions where to send money to regain access to your encrypted files or locked machine (don’t do that though!)

How Users Get Malware?

No one would install malware intentionally (unless they are bored and craving for adventures). It can appear on your device because of accidental actions – for example, clicking on a hazardous link. Usually, such links arrive via untrusted websites or emails. Unfortunately, one in every 131 emails comes with a virus inside.
Malware threat
Another way which hackers use for their malware attacks is P2P sharing channels. Most of the time users download files which have traveled a long way from one computer to another. Many of those computers may be already infected. Plus, hackers throw malicious files into such networks and mask them to look familiar. Once you download the file, you are in trouble. Finally, your machine is more likely to get infected if it has no sufficient malware protection. Note that a one-time installation is not enough. The software should be continuously updated to perform effectively. The best idea is to turn automatic updates on and let the software’s producer take care of your security.

Common Types of Malware

Malicious programs are extremely different. Some of them are easier to deal with, and some may cause a real disaster. Below is the list of most common forms of malware traveling through the Internet. Virus – a computer code capable of replicating itself. To activate a virus, you need to make specific actions, for example, open an email attachment or follow a particular link. Once activated, the virus starts infecting other files on your machine. Worm – malware which can also copy itself. But it doesn’t need any actions from you. All it needs is to find a weak spot on your software to start its destructive activity. Trojan – looking like a legitimate program, Trojans convince users to execute them on their devices. Later, they would hide deep in your OS and do the unlawful things they were created for, for instance, to corrupt your data.
Scareware – a worrisome message on your desktop saying that your machine is infected and you need to buy antivirus or provide banking information is an excellent example of scareware. Adware a kind of malware that is hunting on your data to send you adds or re-direct to promotional websites later. Spyware is evident from the name of this type that it spies on computers’ users. The goals behind are different, but the outcomes are always unpleasant. Ransomware is one of the most widespread kinds of malware used by hackers for several years at a row. Once ransomware infects your device, it will gradually encrypt your files or lock the entire machine. At some point, you will get a message with instructions on how to regain access to them (by transferring money to a hacker, of course). Fileless malware is one of the most sophisticated types of harmful programs which hackers use for their malware attacks. Fileless malware would not download code on your machine and would mask itself as a trusted app or tool while doing its dirty job. Only the best antivirus is capable of detecting it.

How to Protect Your Devices from Malware?

Hackers spend days and nights creating new variations of malware and digging for new ways to spread it. The good news is that many IT specialists live on a good side. They are observing the situation to provide the needed malware protection to Internet users. So, do you want to know how to prevent malware?
Malware Protection
The first thing you should do is install good security software. Don’t forget to run scans from time to time. The best idea is to set the antivirus to automatic scanning and let it take care of the checks. Also, make sure the software is updated regularly updates to work more effectively. And still, even if you have a reliable software, you should not behave thoughtlessly. Never click on suspicious links or open attachments coming with emails from unknown senders. Finally, always use strong passwords and consider getting a VPN for additional protection. The more security measures you take, the better your chances to stay protected.

Bottom Line

Cybersecurity is one of the most challenging issues the modern world faces every single day. New types of malware are continuously hunting users around the globe. Progressive countries spend millions of dollars on protection. But it is essential that every user gets proactive with their cybersecurity. In the final run, each one of us is responsible for how well we are protected.

How to Create a Strong Password That Is Easy to Remember?

We all use passwords to secure our email, credit card, and social networks accounts as well as accounts we have on various websites. But it appears to be that many people don’t understand why they should use arty-crafty passwords. Also, most of them have no clue how to come up with the right combinations and thus they make the same mistakes over and over again. Our article will outline the main reasons why you need to use strong passwords and how to get the right ones. Also, we will offer a few tips which will help you to remember your secret phrases.

Why Creating Strong Passwords Is a Must?

Passwords are the digital keys to your online ‘home’ where you keep your private information, including the banking data. Also, they are the keys to your networks of friends and colleagues. And like with real keys, you don’t want them to be stolen. But there are many thieves on the Internet that are tracking users’ keys to get into their ‘homes’ and rob them. In other words, they do everything possible to hack into social networks and email accounts or other websites. The ultimate goal is to get users’ money. The essential passwords are the ones you use to log in to your email and social networks. If a hacker gets access to your email account, they can quickly change passwords on the websites you use with the help of “forgot your password?” link. If they break into your social network, they may scam your contacts distributing malware or asking for money. So, it is vital to have a strong password to protect your private data. 

How Can Hackers Compromise Your Password?

Hackers have plenty of ways to crack passwords. Phishing is one of the oldest ones, but it did not disappear because it is still effective. With the help of social engineering techniques, cybercriminals manage to convince users to go to malicious websites, give out their login credentials, including passwords, and even banking information. Another method is to buy passwords. The dark business of purchasing and selling login information is blossoming. So, if you have been using the same password for ages, you might get in trouble. It is strongly recommended to change passwords from time to time to make sure no one will get them. Another method for hackers to get your password is to guess it. And they do this based on the personal information you provide in security questions. That is why it would be smart not to include any personal data in your passwords. A password cracker – heavy artillery to steal your digital key. The program will use millions of combinations of characters repeatedly until it finds the right one to access your account. The method is called a brute-force attack. Some password crackers use filters and masks which help them to get passwords even faster. Apparently, the shorter your password is, the quicker the program will crack it. In fact, any combination of fewer than nine characters is a weak one. Meanwhile, brute attacks are hardly effective to crack long passwords. To hack longer combinations, cybercriminals use a so-called dictionary attack where the program will use a prearranged list of words to define your passwords. So, if you use a common word sooner or later, it might be cracked during a dictionary attack. However, you can try an uncommon combination of regular words. This is an excellent way to stay secure.

How to Create a Strong Password?

Now when you know about the ways hackers use to crack passwords, you can easily create secure passwords capable of surviving any attack. Though, be aware of phishing scams because even the strongest password won’t rescue you if you behave thoughtlessly.

Good Passwords Don’t

  • Don’t use simple passwords (and yes, widely used word ‘Password’ is particularly bad). Dictionary words and combinations of words are an easy target for password crackers. Professional hackers have dictionary-based systems capable of cracking words and phrases. Thus, nonsense words are much better.
  • Don’t use sequential numbers or letters because they will be easily cracked during a brute force attack. “1234” or LastName1234 are not strong password examples. Sophisticated hacking programs will break these combinations within minutes. Think of a random character placement instead.
  • Don’t use sequential keyboard paths (like qwerty) either. They are too easy to guess.
  • Don’t includeyour personal information such as your name (and even your pet’s name), birth date, phone number or address into your passwords. Hackers will use every piece of information they have about you to crack your passwords.
  • Don’t use a password which contains your public information, for example, extracurricular activities you are involved in.

Good Passwords Dos

  • Do make your passwords long. They should be at least ten characters long. But the more, the better. In fact, some experts say your password should be at least 14 symbols long. Complex passwords will survive any attack. However, not every website will allow such length.
  • Do use different types of characters, the mix of lowercase and uppercase letters, numbers, and symbols. You may even add emoticons. This will work particularly well on the websites which don’t allow using many symbols.
  • Do use multiple words, ideally, in a bizarre way. Anything that comes to your mind will do. Consider using numbers between letters. Or make a password out of a sentence using 2-3 first letters of every word in the sentence. Be creative!
  • Do use passwords which contain common elements but are customized to different sites. Once again, be as creative as you can.

Some Tips to Make Your Password Easy to Remember

Many people are worried that they may forget their password, especially, if they use many of those for different accounts. Here are some tips to remember your passwords:
  • Compose a password which gives you a mental image. The combination may sound quite odd for somebody else but not you.
  • Choose a phrase which is dear to you. This can be your favorite music album or a quote from a book. Just make sure no one else knows the phrase.
  • Use one strategy for all accounts. For example, remove vowels from favorite phrases, double your password or use some cipher.

How to Keep Your Passwords Secure?

So, you created a strong password for every single account you have. It is long, uses different words, includes weird combinations of letters, numbers, and cases. That is great! But still, it does not guarantee a 100% safety. Here are a few more things you should do to keep your passwords secure:
  • Use a password manager. It will remember all the passwords for various accounts of yours but will need you to provide the master password actually to use it.
  • Never write your passwords down. This includes your traditional notebook and the one you have on your mobile device. And if you still don’t trust your memory and saved your passwords somewhere, don’t store them where they can be easily found. For instance, hidden folders on your computer, stickers under mouth pad, and so on.
  • Don’t save your passwords in computer’s browsers no matter how tempting it looks to access your account quicker.
  • Don’t share your passwords with anybody. Yes, this includes your best friend and even spouse – you can’t control their behavior, can you? And trust has nothing to do with it.
  • Avoid using the same password for every email account you use or websites containing your sensitive data. The reason is simple: if one of your accounts gets hacked, all the rest are compromised too. Consider creating a unique list of good password ideas to be used to secure various accounts.
  • Change your passwords often. As we have said before, this is your way to stay away from password databases sold on the black market.
  • Log out of websites when you don’t need them anymore. This will guarantee no one else will get access to your accounts after you leave the computer.
  • Use Two-Factor Authentication wherever you can. This will provide additional security to your accounts. Most of the time Two-Factor Authentication foresees either a password or PIN, a fingerprint or voiceprint, a tangible item (for instance, a mobile device for a code to be sent to).

Cybercrime Prevention Tips That Will Protect You From Hackers

Threats are tracking our steps online. And even the best antivirus in the Universe can’t protect you from every single one of them. Of course, there is software that warns you about malicious files and links. But ultimately nothing can stop you from getting to the phishing website if you are willing to do so. With that said, you have to understand how to prevent cybercrime. You need to act carefully online because the most significant number of attacks happen due to human mistakes. Knowing some tips, you will surf through the internet like a pro dodging all the threats you might meet on your way. So read attentively – you need this information.

What is Cybercrime?

First, let’s define cybercrime. It’s a crime that is carried out online to steal or destroy valuable data. And we will talk about this particular kind. Also, cybercrime includes online bullying, harassment, stalking, copyright violation, and other types of illegal activities. They can be avoided and do not usually involve personal data stealing.
Therefore, we will talk about cybercrime prevention that refers to data thievery. It is something you should protect your devices from, indeed. Having protection will reduce the possibility to lose your valuable information. Without any protective software, in the worst case scenario, you can lose a lot of money or even your identity.

Cybercrime Prevention Tips

There are some things you should and should not do to avoid getting scammed online. It is quite easy – the list is not that long. You just have to be thoughtful about your activity on the internet. Ignorance is the main reason users suffer from cyber attacks.

Get a Full-Fledged Internet Security Suite

There are different kinds of threats online. You have trojans, spyware, ransomware, worms, and other types of malware. Also, there are kinds of phishing that are quite tricky to spot. But some internet security softwares can protect you from it, too. So choose the software that can shield you from as many threats as possible. Be sure, getting just anti-malware won’t be enough.

Keep Your Software Up-to-Date

Outdated apps are highly vulnerable to silent interceptions. The thing is that vendors fix any flaws in the code with each update. It is one of the measures that decreases the chance of attack. But if you don’t update your apps in time, you stay exposed to the potential threat. Especially, when it comes to browsers which serve as the main instrument for Internet access.

Create Strong Passwords

There are many unfortunate stories about users and even businesses who had passwords like “0password1”. Don’t risk becoming one of them and create strong combinations. And if you can’t come up with a good and reliable password, use the generated one. Most services today would provide you with a ready-to-use combination.

Be Cautious with Social Media Sharing

Social media became the primary source of valuable information for hackers. Why? Because we share there too many things. And some seemingly insignificant data like your pet’s name or grandma’s maiden name can become a strong tool for malefactors. Mostly,  when you need to protect your accounts you’re asked to set a control question and answer. Often it’s either someone’s maiden name or pet’s name. So be careful and do not share such information on the web. Moreover, cybersecurity specialists advise not to share your travel plans. Thieves can use this information and get access to your personal data.

Ignore Odd Emails and Texts

Cybercriminals are trying to get to you through many channels – email, messages, and even social media. They pretend to have an excellent job proposal for you or to be someone from the support team. Usually, phishing messages and emails have attached files or links that lead to malicious sites. So, it is better to check them prior to opening. For instance, if you totally don’t recognize the sender or something seems odd, don’t risk by clicking on the link. In case this is an email from support center of some service you use – don’t open the link in the letter. Go straight to the website and check if there actually is an issue. Don’t become one of those users who get scammed by phishing messages.

Avoid HTTP Websites

Google is already trying to protect users from HTTP sites. So once you try to get on one, you’ll see a warning that this website contains a potential threat. This issue is especially important if you are going to buy something online – phishing websites steal credit card data all the time. All in all, try to avoid such sites and visit only those with HTTPS prefix.

Don’t Use Public Wi-Fi or Get a VPN

Usually, we don’t think twice when connecting to Wi-Fi in cafes or other public places. And that’s something you shouldn’t do if you want to stay safe. Public networks are rarely protected from hack attacks. Besides, there’s no guarantee you are not using the same network as the cybercriminal. Therefore, each user connected to such Wi-Fi is exposed to the potential threat. So you have two ways to go here. The first one is not to connect to public networks at all. The second one is to get a VPN service and turn it on each time you want to use Wi-Fi in cafes, hotels, airports, etc.

Stay Informed on Major Security Breaches

It will help you to know the current situation and adjust to changes. Also, you will understand which threats are the most dangerous and which antiviruses are the most reliable at the moment. So, keep yourself updated to stay safe.

Report if You Became a Victim

In case if you have suffered from the attack, you should inform authorities about that. It will prevent accidents in the future and help them with their investigation. Also, contact any services that took part in this situation (for instance, an Internet provider). They might use the information, too.

Bottom Line

Your security depends on you directly. Each of your decisions matters – from which antivirus you pick to the links you click. That being said, you have to control your online activity by yourself. Because even the best security software can’t protect you from every online threat.

What Is a Computer Virus?

A computer virus has more in common with a viral infection that affects people. Like a flu virus, it tends to spread out by reproducing itself. Such a piece of programming code or an executable program, which is triggered by specific actions of a user and impacts the normal functioning of the computer. Computer viruses do not appear accidentally. A virus is a specific type of malware, which is thoroughly developed by people, who are commonly referred to as hackers. The purposes of creating viruses vary, but most frequently, hackers aim at making money by using malware. Viruses and other forms of malware steal sensitive data, destroy files, force users to watch paid ads, slow down the system, and do a lot of other annoying things. There are recorded cases when people lost millions of dollars just by catching a virus.

How Does a Computer Virus Work?

Viruses do not exist separately. They are always a part of something: a document, an app, or any other .exe file. The code of the virus is integrated into the file code. The virus can “hibernate” until the document is opened or a program is launched. In other words, you can store the file on your computer for some time without being infected. But as soon as you try to open it, the malicious code starts executing. A virus attack can be impetuous and devastating, but sometimes it doesn’t have an immediately visible effect. You may even not be aware of the malware until it’s too late. Once the computer is infected, the virus can spread out to other devices connected to the network. If a business network is affected, the losses can number into hundreds of thousands.
Virus Inside
While some viruses are quite innocuous, others are irritating. For example, they can force you to watch pop-up ads or slow down the system immensely. But the most dangerous viruses are the ones that steal data (logins, passwords, detail of financial transactions) or destroy/eliminate the files that are stored on the hard drive. In most cases, infecting causes financial losses.

How Do Computer Viruses Spread?

You can say that you are 100% protected from viruses only when your internet connection is off, and you never connect any USB-drives, disks, mobile phones, and other devices to it. In other words, your PC is isolated from any external interference. If it is not, you are vulnerable to viruses. There are several common ways of virus spreading. By Email It is, probably, the most popular channel of a computer virus transfer. Usually, viruses are hidden in attachments, which can look entirely innocent at first sight. Hackers successfully disguise infected .exe files as images, documents, PDFs, etc. By clicking on this file, you trigger the execution of malicious code. The bad news is that even if you never open attachments to suspicious emails, you still can catch a virus by merely opening an email itself. There are ways to integrate malicious code in an HTML-code of a message body. By Messengers Instant messaging services are all the rage these days. Just some examples are Skype, Viber, WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, Telegram, and so forth. Millions of people use them every day, and all of them are exposed. IM and social media viruses commonly come in the form of links, which also can look quite innocent. People tend to click on the links without any fear if the links are sent by someone they know well. But you must always bear in mind that your friend’s account could be hacked, so each link is potentially dangerous.
Petya Virus
By File Hosting and File Sharing Services These services are indispensable when you need to share a file with somebody. But they also serve a loophole for all types of hackers and swindlers. They upload an infected file (a document, an image, a video, an app, etc.) on the hosting and invite people to download it. The danger of this method is its wide coverage: everyone who downloads the file gets infected. That said, some file sharing platforms are a little safer than others. Therefore, Google Drive offers an internal scanning for possible threats if the file size doesn’t exceed 25 megabytes. As for other services, such as DropBox, ShareFiles, etc., they don’t have any virus protection at all, so you should double-check the content you are going to download. By Downloading Software The easiest way to share a computer virus is via applications that are distributed in the form of executable files. The only problem is to make people download and launch these apps. Some hackers smartly resolve this problem. They show pop-up warnings about a virus attack detected. These warnings come in an aggressive form (bright colors, annoying beeping sounds, etc.) Many users are frightened by this ad. To increase the effect swindlers use screaming headings like “Virus detected!”, “Your computer is in danger!”, and so on. Once you swallowed the bait, they offer you to scan your PC for threats by downloading the “best antivirus for Windows” right now. As a result, you download a fake app, which looks like an antivirus. As you’ve guessed, this is not an antivirus, but a piece of malicious software. By Unpatched (Outdated) Software The main reason why developers insist on the regular updating of their software products is the need for the security holes patching. Outdated products tend to be prone to viruses, and hackers take advantage of this vulnerability. By installing the latest security updates, you protect yourself from a range of potential threats. Viruses can be spread via any outdated software products. So, users often suffer from using unpatched Adobe Reader, Microsoft Office, and other Microsoft apps. You need to keep in mind that your security is your responsibility. Don’t forget to download the current security updates from developers to minimize the risk of infecting. By Plugging in an Infected Drive USB-drives are a common source of viruses. When you plug in an infected flash stick, the virus is transferred to your PC. The most annoying thing is that the infection can stay in a dormant state until the next system reboot.

What are The Types of Computer Viruses?

Computer viruses come in a variety of forms. Different viruses behave in a different way. While some of them are relatively easy to get rid of, others can destroy the system.
  • Direct action viruses start working when you launch an infected file. If you download and save a malicious app, nothing will happen. But as soon as you run this app, the virus “wakes up.”
  • Resident viruses reside on the hard drive instead of being integrated into the executable code of a particular file. Usually, they come into action after the computer reloading.
  • Infected USB-drives commonly carry boot sector viruses. They are dormant until the nearest rebooting. As soon as you boot the system, the executing of the malicious code is triggered.
  • Web-scripting viruses come with the code integrated into the script of web-pages. You catch the computer virus when you visit the infected page.
  • Browser hijackers are pieces of malicious software, which alter the starting page of the browser without permission. As a result, a user is automatically directed to a scammer website as soon as he opens the browser.
  • Polymorphic viruses are one of the most dangerous types of computer virus software. They alter their malicious code with every new launch of an infected file. By doing so, they yank around antivirus programs. That is why polymorphic viruses are so hard to detect and to eliminate.
  • Multipartite viruses are incredibly versatile and dangerous. They affect both system and executable files. You won’t get rid of the virus by removing an affected file.
  • Macro viruses are created with the help of the macro language. Popular apps, such as MS Word, also use this language. The viruses are integrated with the code of these apps, so they are activated when the app is executed.

How to Recognize if Your Device is Infected?

Early detection of a computer virus is crucial. The earlier you take measures, the higher the chances for a positive outcome are. Fortunately, there are certain symptoms of a viral infection, which can help to detect a threat timely.
  1. Suspicious pop-up ads. If you see pop-up windows with aggressive ads, especially those offering to install anything, never click on them. Instead, scan your PC for viruses.
  2. Spam messages sent from your email or social media account. If you see any messages that were not addressed by you or your friends complain about spam coming from you, it’s time to scan your PC and change the password to the account.
  3. A new homepage in your browser. If you open the browser and see an unfamiliar website instead of the usual starting page, chances are hijackers attacked you.
  4. Severe speed drops. If your PC suddenly begins working much slower than before, it can be a symptom of a virus. It can turn out that scammers steal your traffic.
  5. Incorrect functioning and errors. If you fail to open documents or run applications, the files can be destroyed by viruses
  6. Unknown apps and programs installed without your privity. If you see shortcuts of the apps, which were never installed by you, or something is installed automatically, immediately scan your PC.
  7. You are losing access to accounts, altering passwords. If you see a warning about a wrong password, trying to access your e-mail or social media account, chances are it was hacked.

How Do You Get Rid of a Computer Virus?

If you suspect to have a virus, you should take measures immediately. Don’t ignore the problem; otherwise, you may lose personal data, email accounts, important files stored on the hard drive, and so on. In severe cases, the only way to get rid of a virus is a complete disk formatting. To detect the type of the virus and remove you’ll need a good trusted antivirus program.

How to Protect Yourself Against Computer Viruses

Undoubtedly, a computer virus can bring a lot of troubles. It can damage your files and cause numerous errors and crushes. Moreover, it can cause severe financial losses. That is why strong antivirus protection is a must-have in modern circumstances.
Virus Protection
First and foremost, you must have antivirus software. If you are not ready to invest in premium antiviruses, there are some free and budget-friendly options available. Of course, you need to be very cautious when choosing a free antivirus, as there are plenty of scammer and fake products, which don’t provide a sufficient level of protection. Moreover, some of them contain malware. When it comes to business network protection, a premium antivirus product is a must. Don’t try to save on security. If hackers get access to your sensitive data, you can lose more than 50 dollars spent on an antivirus pack. Besides, you can lose all your data. While having a good antivirus is crucial, you also need to take proper preventing measures. Here are some basic security tips for everyone:
  1. Never click on suspicious links even if your friends send them. Social media accounts and emails are hacked more frequently than you can imagine. If you are not sure what it is, ask your friend. Double-check everything you receive in messengers.
  2. The same is about e-mail attachments. If you don’t know what it is and why you received it, ask the sender or ignore it.
  3. Close aggressive pop-up ads and never believe the fake warning about viruses detected. Instead, scan your PC with a trusted, familiar antivirus. Try not to use macros in MS Word without need.

Bottom Line

If you think that viruses are everywhere, chances are you are not mistaken. You can catch it at any moment. Computer viruses are ingenious: they are easy to find and hard to remove. Always keep in mind that prevention is the best treatment, and the only way to avoid viruses is by using high-quality antivirus software.

ScanGuard Review

Scanguard have an intuitive antivirus software which is accessible from anywhere and also support multiple devices as standard. It may look fancy but have they had enough experience in the market to compete with the likes of Norton and McAfee? We suggest to continue reading to find out…


Scanguard is currently being offered at $39.95 per year for their Pro Antivirus suite, but is only a limited time offer so grab it whilst you can! And the best thing is that they offer a 30 day money-back guarantee so there’s no risk to trying it. We’ve tried the software and believe it’s worth every penny, it’s smooth, aesthetically pleasing and offers solid protection. The value per device works out at less than $2/device per month if you allocate the 3 slots, which is very reasonable! Another great reason to consider Scanguard is because of the way they handle their extra features, you can pick and choose so can effectively create a custom package just for you.

Reliability and Security

So, does Scanguard compete with the big-timers? In a word, yes. We’ve done some vigorous testing and performance wise it actually out performs Norton, which is surprising as they have over 30 years’ experience in the field. It just proves that it’s not all about experience. It’s reassuring to see that they offer the same basics anti-malware features as the most popular AVs and so we have no doubts Scanguard will protect your devices. Another bonus is that the software is simple, so even the most technophobic users can use it with ease.

Support and Customer Service

Support isn’t an area Scanguard review hold off on either, connecting to their live chat took less than 1 minute and didn’t require us to fill out any lengthy forms. You can choose between sales and tech support but either way can be connected to an agent almost immediately. Furthermore the online FAQs, articles and guides are tremendously useful allowing you to problem solve yourself without having to speak to a single person. It looks like they don’t advertise phone support or display a phone number anywhere, which could be disappointing for some people, especially the technophobes among us.


The way Scanguard handles their additional tools is awesome. As briefly mentioned before, you can choose to add-on extra features in your control panel or on the order form, but these aren’t essential or mandatory. This allows you to create a custom package for yourself and cut costs. If you don’t feel you need for ‘Smartphone protection’ then don’t add this feature, simple as that! Features might be slightly limited at the moment, but it’s only been around sine 2016 and so can you expect a full competitive feature list?


  1. https://www.10bestantivirus.com/reviews/scanguard
  2. https://www.scanguard.com/
  3. https://antivirus-review.com/scanguard-review

Free VPN For Firestick

Firestick is the proven, outstanding plug-and-play gadget which brings inspiring media streaming experience to the TV. Although a Firestick device offer you high streaming services like Amazon Prime and Netflix, the experience can vary with the geo-location.

But, using the free VPN for Firestick, you can break free the restrictions of geo-location. If you require a simple option which will not cost anything, you will get these free VPN for Firestick which will offer the best service. Here are some free VPN for Firestick.

1. Windscribe VPN

As it is known because of the free data cap features, Windscribe is the best free VPN for Firestick services which you can depend on when masking the network accordingly. This free VPN for Firestick has the P2P feature which you can use without having the subscription.

Windscribe VPN is very easy when you want to install it. Based in Canada, it provide all critical operations and also pass on the selection of a compelling feature to the users. However, regardless of the constant update of the features from it, not everything which is rose-colored concerning the Windscribe VPN.

2. TunnelBear VPN

This VPN become the option if you want to hide the internet activity from the public networks. The service of TunnelBear VPN has the app which is readily available on the Firestick and will be downloaded and then installed.

It has the exciting features such as multi-login, and compatibility on different platforms, among others. But, TunnelBear, being the free VPN for Firestick, it has different cons. For example, it offers the limited number of the servers for a free version. Also it caps thebandwidth at about 500 Mbs. using it you will get the additional of 1 GB when you tweet about them, which means it is 1.5 GB per month. This significantly limits what you may be streaming.

3. Hide.me VPN

Hide.me VPN can be found in the store of Firestick which give you a room of downloading it, and also installing it. Like any other free VPN for Firestick, HideMe enable you to protect the online privacy when being connected to any of the device. It has amazing compatibility with Linux, Windows, iOS, and Android devices.

The Hide.me VPN enables you maximize on the online freedom as you can desire. However, like any other VPNs, hide.me plan has various cons which can discourage someone. The service of VPN currently has 3 server locations which the users can choose.

4. Express VPN

It’s the best VPN for Firestick providers all over the world. Essentially, it has over 2000 servers which are in 96 locations, which are well distributed worldwide. It offers the subscribers with unlimited streaming speed, 256-bit AES encryption, fantastic customer support, and enable up to 3 simultaneous connections for every session.

This VPN is very easy when downloading its app on the Amazon store. It is designed well to work best using the Firestick device. Yet more, you can get the unlimited content media streaming, irrespective of the geo-location. Furthermore, if you have ended up not satisfied with the service, you will still take the advantage of the 30-day money-back warranty policy.